Doris Artner, Certified Reiki Master, Certified EFT Practitioner, Vibrational Sound Practitioner

Since her adolescence, Doris has always had a connection with the Divine, that has only grown stronger as her life journey has progressed. She has always felt drawn to healing others with her hands.

After receiving many Reiki treatments for her own healing, she had realized her calling. Her journey has lead her to the art of Usui Reiki in 2018, furthering her learning and finally becoming a Reiki Master in 2021, developing her own unique style of a healing treatment.

Continuing to develop her Intuitive skills she has also received a certificate in the Art of Tarot Card Reading.

Advancing her healing abilities for others Doris has also received her certificate in Emotional Freedom Technique.

Doris has had much personal enjoyment in creating a healing space for her guests but also for the love of aromatherapy, developing now, products of her own. Integrating 100% pure essential oils as part of her energy work has been very beneficial to those under her gentle care during a session.

The most recent addition to her healing practice, Doris uses Vibrational Sound Therapy which she uses along with Reiki to bring a deeper healing at the core level.

Her gentle voice, joyful personality and genuine empathic nature is welcoming to all who are guided for her care.

Additional Services:

Aromatherapy Products

Tarot Card Readings

Young Living Essentail Oils
Brand Partner #14499758

CALL DORIS DIRECT at 807 632 2654 for additional information or CALL OWN at 905 988 9009 to book an appointment


Trevor Van Nest, CFP Money Coach


Mary Titov, Vibrational Sound Therapy